What are the three basics of IT security?

These three letters represent confidentiality, integrity, and availability, also known as the CIA triad. Together, these three principles form the cornerstone of any organization's security infrastructure; in fact, (they should) function

What are some famous malware attacks?

Will there be a Windows 11? Windows 11 is here, and if you have a PC, you might be wondering if it's time to upgrade your operating system. After all, you will probably get this new software for free. Microsoft first unveiled its new

What is the most difficult virus to detect?

Unlike file-based attacks, fileless malware does not take advantage of traditional file executables. ... This is part of what makes fileless attacks so dangerous - they can easily evade antivirus products. Defend yourself against these

Does India have a cyber army?

Does IIT have Cyber Security? The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi has launched a new interdisciplinary postgraduate program in MTech cybersecurity. ... The MTech program in cybersecurity is offered by the Institute's Center

Why do we need IT security?

Why is security and safety important? Every workplace must ensure that it meets appropriate health and safety regulations. Having organizational security and safety processes in place can help manage and prevent injuries, theft and

Can antivirus detect Trojan?

1. Run Microsoft Defender. First introduced with Windows XP, Microsoft Defender is a free antimalware tool to protect Windows users from viruses, malware, and other spyware. You can use it to help detect and remove Trojan from your

What are black hats called?

Why is black hat called black hat? Hence Stallman coined the term black hat to represent a criminal hacker as opposed to a benevolent hacker called a white hat. Stallman based these notions on tradition in old western movies where the

What is required to become a hacker?

Can a normal person become a hacker? The only way for anyone to become a hacker is to try harder on their own. You can't be taught to be a hacker, but you can teach yourself. It only takes you about twenty-five years if you work hard,

What are the IT security plan?

What are the types of information security? Types of InfoSec Application security. Application security is a broad topic that covers software vulnerabilities in web and mobile applications and application programming interfaces